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Assisting collaboration in forest and grassland restoration, conservation and resource utilization—
for the benefit of all.

Lincoln On the Ground

The Lincoln Restoration Committee is working with the Helena National Forest on the following projects.

Lincon Restoration Projects

Stonewall I and II

The Stonewall projects are proposed in the Lincoln Gulch area to restore ponderosa pine, quaking aspen, fish and wildlife habitat.  In association with these restoration treatments, treatments are proposed to reduce  forest fuel loads in proximity to private residences. All treatment areas are consistent with the MFRC principles and include prescribed fire, ponderosa pine and aspen restoration, and fuels reduction over approximately 2,289 acres.  The Lincoln RC toured Stonewall to review how new wildlife habitat data layers might help respond to comments from the NEPA processes, and plan to respond to the final EIS.

Dalton Mountain

The Dalton Mountain area project proposes treating approximately 2,000 acres across a 40,000-acre landscape, and includes prescribed fire on inventoried roadless acres. Outside roadless areas, treatments include    using prescribed fire, retaining large diameter ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir trees and aspen stands, fuels reduction in the wildland urban interface, and restoration of lodgepole pine-dominated mixed conifer stands. Restoration of mixed conifer stands will be informed by the MFRC’s Appendix C and on-the-ground fire history data.  These treatments are guided by an adaptive management approach developed in partnership with The Wilderness Society and The University of Montana.  The Lincoln RC plans to help monitor and communicate results to the MFRC and interested parties.

Travel Planning

The Lincoln RC organized an effort to involve motorized and non-motorized interests, along with fisheries/aquatics interests in discussions on travel planning and where it overlaps with the restoration principles. This resulted in hosting additional meetings and discussions beyond the   standing monthly meetings. These discussions also involved obtaining commitments of planning resources for NEPA to support implementation of treatments and monitoring of results.  The Lincoln RC plans to continue to engage in this process going forward.